Our Sponsors

Our Sponsors

There are a few organisations in and around the Kingsbridge area that provide all year round support for Kingsbridge Food Bank, as a token of our appreciation we have listed them on our website.

Joe and the team at FUTURECLIENT have refreshed and modernised our website and provide vital support to our volunteer team to keep pages up to date and relevant.

During lockdown Rotary members dedicated the time they would normally spend doing Rotary chores - making deliveries for our clients. They also donated their monthly "subs" which averaged £700-900 each month.

Every term we take on new students from Kingsbridge Community College who have a volunteering element to complete in order to gain their Bronze or Silver DofE Awards.

There are several WI groups around the Kingsbridge area. Each one of them contribute differently - but they all come together, at Christmas, to provide us with beautiful gifts to give to our clients.

During lockdown 2020 Kingsbridge Scouts were unable to meet and so they loaned us their building, when we outgrew Horizons. In September 2020 the Scouts were given permission to start meeting again - so we headed off to our current base. They continue to support us every day as we continue to loan their long trestle tables.

Kingsbridge Brownies support us by collecting and donating groceries. Their leaders create projects for the Brownies to complete around meal-planning, budgeting and eating healthily.

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